A blog devoted to law, politics, philosophy, & life. Nothing in this blog is to be construed as legal advice.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Bean Counter "philosopher"

Apparently Brian Leiter, a law professor at the University of Texas, has acted out his insecurity on a young law student.

I have always disliked Leiter. First, he is much too old to be studying Nietzsche. Even Zarathustra admonised that "There is no greater insult to a teacher than to forever remain a student." By this standard, Leiter would be spewed from Zarathustra's mouth. The name of my blog comes from my respect for - and enjoyment of - Nietzsche's writings. Overpundit. A pundit is something to be overcome. But, Brian, we all have to move on. We have to grow up. Zarathustra said so. How could you have you studied him your whole life but missed this penultimate truth?

Second, Leiter took pot shots at Professor Doug Kmiec. (Doug Kmiec, [a] right-wing law professor at Pepperdine, whose political prominence outstrips his intellectual achievements by a noticeable margin ..."). Again, Leiter has devoted his life, his very soul to studying someone whose whole philosophy is based on becoming the overman, and thus, having the strength to move on.

Third, any "fame" Lieter has is based almost solely on his numerous rankings. These rankings are a glorified form of bean counting. They could be done by a marginally qualified law student (or, indeed, an intelligent college student).

I am not impressed. Nor am I intimidated. I have not forgotten that, "In the beginning the noble caste was almost always the barbarian caste [who owed their strength] to will."
