A blog devoted to law, politics, philosophy, & life. Nothing in this blog is to be construed as legal advice.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

The One-Million Man (and Woman) March.
With Bush seeking to legalize illegal conduct (invading the country vis-a-vis illegal immigration) while our culture is facing a Romanesque declince, I have to ask a favor.

Please complete the following: Tom McClintock was to Arnold Schwarzenegger who __________ is to President Bush. "Wishful thinking" is not the correct answer.

What the California election proved is that there is a still a strand of conservatism in America. McClintock ran on a platform of true conservatism. And although he did not almost win; he proved a point. Namely, at least one-million people were conservative enough to risk allowing Cruz BustaMECHA elevation to the governor's mansion. Although this is a meek voice in a state election, imagine the thunder such voting would have on the national election.

I propose that conservatives be willing to give up the white house for 4 years. Vote strategically for the house and senate. But send a message to the chief executive. Show him that he will win or lose as conservatives.

Now, whose name belongs in the above blank space.
